Michigan Launches Grant Program for Vessel Electrification

Governor Gretchen Whitmer has announced the Fresh Coast Maritime Challenge, a first-of-its-kind program in the United States that puts Michigan at the forefront of future-proofing sustainable maritime transportation including recreational boating activities, marina innovation, as well as commercial activities on the Great Lakes.  

The Challenge establishes a dedicated grant program that offers companies the opportunity to apply for assistance that will support the decarbonization and electrification of both marinas and watercraft across the state. Ultimately, the infrastructure created through the Fresh Coast Maritime Challenge will enable continued growth and innovation in Michigan’s mobility industry, deliver considerable economic benefits and create a blueprint that can be adapted to fit ports and harbors across North America.  

As part of the Fresh Coast Maritime Challenge, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s (MEDC) Office of Future Mobility and Electrification (OFME) has partnered with Traverse Connect to identify grant recipients and facilitate the distribution of grant funds, which will provide support for resources that align with the overarching goals of the region. Additional partners for the initiative include the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE); the Office of Outdoor Recreation Industry, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR).  

The Fresh Coast Maritime Challenge is designed to offer commercial enterprises of all sizes a sustainable, cost-effective, and efficient means of transitioning watercraft from diesel to electric power. Its ongoing development will offer a growing network of shore-side charging facilities for clean-fueled marine vessels and electric passenger vehicles operating on the Great Lakes. Additionally, the presence of charging equipment at multiple sites will create natural testing environments for the electrification of vessels of all shapes and sizes.  

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The initial phase of funding will focus on the northwest Michigan corridor, between Frankfort and Mackinac Island, a route known as “the boating capital of the Midwest” that offers a considerable concentration of accessibility to recreational boating – making the area ideal for the early adoption of new technologies.  

The electrification of some of Michigan’s waterways is already underway in northern Michigan, with the support of local, state, and federal partners. Key developments include the following:  

  • The deployment of an AQUA superPower rapid charger at Elk Rapids Marina. AQUA superpower is the first fully marinized dockside network of fast chargers for electric boats with a supercharger specifically engineered and rated for use in marine environments to charge electric boats. 
  • The first-ever conversion of a Mackinac Island passenger ferry to zero-emissions electric power by the Mackinac Island Ferry Company (MIFC). 
  • State and Federal funding to upgrade the Beaver Island Ferry to be more efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly 

Long term, the development and implementation of the Fresh Coast Maritime Challenge will also deepen the pipeline for career opportunities specific to maritime mobility. In Traverse City alone, both Michigan Technological University’s research hub and Northwest Michigan College’s Great Lakes Water Studies Institute are poised to position the region to advance the maritime mobility economy and freshwater innovation.  

The application window for grants is open now through May 10. More information is available here